6 Great Picnic Ideas For Birthdays

6 Great Picnic Ideas For Birthdays


Outdoor birthday parties are a trend that many people love to choose. When designing an outdoor birthday party, from ideation to decoration, selection of accessories, etc., there is a difference compared to an indoor party. Let’s explore outdoor birthday party ideas with 6 Great Picnic Ideas For Birthdays.

Pool Party

Pool Party

With an in-house swimming pool, the unique creation of a birthday party right here will make your special day much more memorable and fun. You can completely prepare swimming costumes and compatible game shows, food, or drinks for the guests.

Remember that music will be an indispensable part of a pool party. With this creative idea, you will get unforgettable moments on your birthday. There is nothing more comfortable than summer parties with cool water.

Pool parties help participants break through their shells, not attaching too much importance to formalities when meeting people. This can be a good opportunity to expand relationships, and make new people. This is also a fun idea in 6 Great Picnic Ideas For Birthdays.

An outdoor dinner with family

An outdoor dinner with family

Instead of choosing a vibrant and grandiose party, you can choose to admire and enjoy a simple outdoor dinner with your loved ones. This will be a beautiful memory for your birthday party.

An outdoor dinner will help all of us feel more relaxed, entertained, and free. The decoration for this creative idea is not too fussy. You can completely arrange roses, balloons, and delicious dishes to add a particularly important part to the party.

Outdoor birthday party with a nature theme

Outdoor birthday party with a nature theme

If you want to have a simple, gentle party with your loved ones, the theme of natural things with fresh flowers is a great choice. You absolutely can choose flowers quite full of flavor to decorate the party.

Garden space will be the absolute choice. Everyone can completely chat, eat and drink and enjoy the breath of all things in nature. Suitable for birthday parties with large investment funds in the list of 6 Great Picnic Ideas For Birthdays.

With this idea, in addition to choosing a suitable outdoor birthday venue, you need to decorate it with fresh flowers, lights, and backdrops so that the space is sparkling. Accompanying that, the menu can be BBQ meat with fruit juice, wine will be great. This party will be suitable for families and many guests to attend.

Celebrate your birthday with the theme of stargazing

Celebrate your birthday with the theme of stargazing

What do you think about the stargazing night birthday theme? This will be a unique birthday party idea you can refer to in 6 Great Picnic Ideas For Birthdays.

In this birthday party idea, you just need to spread a towel on the ground with some snacks such as cakes, fruits, and a few telescopes to observe the night sky. At that time, everyone can chat, name the stars or imagine the shape of the constellation full of fun and excitement.

Seafood party

Seafood party

A seafood dish party with family outside in the garden will be a good creative idea. You can completely prepare beloved seafood dishes such as big lobster, fish, crab, … and other dishes such as potatoes, corn, and vegetables.

The whole family and friends gathering together, admiring and enjoying great food, share stories during the meal will be an unforgettable memory in life.

Hollywood movie theme birthday party

The birthday party idea will determine the main theme action, and the decoration style of that party. Unique creative planning makes it possible for all of us to cut down on non-essential specifics. In addition, it also helps to save the budget and maximize the cost of human effort and the party budget.

The idea of ​​a Hollywood movie night-themed outdoor birthday party with classics will make you have an unforgettable birthday party. This is an idea that is not too difficult to implement.

You can organize it right in your garden. Just put up a large outdoor projector display and a popcorn and drink stand of different flavors. You can add your favorite food and drink as you like.

Finally, a group movie session with family members and guests came to the party. This is one of the unique ideas of 6 Great Picnic Ideas For Birthdays.

4 Notes when organizing a picnic birthday

1. Choosing ideas for a birthday party

Party ideas are one of the important factors that determine the success of the party. Choosing an idea for fun activities and decorations based on will help the birthday party become more fun, meaningful and consistent, avoiding confusion.

There are many ideas for outdoor birthday parties. You can refer to and choose some ideas according to the above suggestions. After choosing an organization idea, birthday planning will be made easier.

2. Make a detailed organizational plan

A perfect outdoor birthday party plan is when you have listed the number of guests, how the program is, and how the party goes. Usually, a birthday planner will include:

Venue of the event
Number of attendees
Items that need to be equipped
Contingency plans
The way to decorate
Hold time
For the plan to be flexible and best, you should prepare at least 1-2 weeks before the birthday party.

3. Decorate the space for outdoor birthday parties

Party space is one of the important factors to make the atmosphere more fun, cozy and bustling. With an outdoor venue, you can refer to how to decorate with balloons, flowers, candles, and lights.

4. Make a menu for an outdoor birthday party

When organizing an outdoor birthday party, do not forget to prepare the menu for the party. Then, depending on the style of the party, you should choose the right menu.

With an outdoor party with a swimming pool theme, a nature theme, a campfire night theme, or a birthday party at the campsite, you should choose a BBQ menu that will be very suitable.

As for the birthday party with the theme of stargazing, the sweets party will also be very suitable. Above are suggestions for planning and ideas for organizing a picnic birthday. Hopefully, the suggestions of 6 Great Picnic Ideas For Birthdays will help you create the most perfect and impressive birthday party script.


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