The 10 Family Picnic Food Ideas

The 10 Family Picnic Food Ideas


Planning a picnic with the family is quite an interesting activity that includes a lot of work to prepare. Thinking about what to prepare for a picnic can sometimes be difficult for many people. Let’s plan a picnic with us through The 10 Family Picnic Food Ideas article.

1. Bread – the most popular picnic food


Bread is the first dish mentioned in The 10 Family Picnic Food Ideas. This dish is not only easy and quick to prepare, but also has enough nutrients to keep people full all day, without worrying about hunger.

People can pre-wrap ingredients such as cold cuts, omelets, sausages, and cucumbers into bread, then unbox them and take them to the picnic. Or you can also bring each ingredient and bread separately so that when you eat it, you can put it in later.

2. Sandwiches


In addition to baguettes, sandwiches are also an indispensable choice for outdoor picnics with family or friends. With sandwiches, you can prepare savory cakes with cold meats, sausages, and sausages.

Or you can make cakes with strawberry jam, and peanut butter, … These dishes are also easy to make and simple at the stage of preparing food for a picnic with your family.

3. Kimbap


If you are a fan of Korean movies, then surely everyone knows this Korean Kimbap. The rice rolls look so sophisticated and complicated, but the way to make them is quite simple and easy to prepare. The 10 Family Picnic Food Ideas will show you how to make this dish.

Materials to prepare:

1 pack of leaf seaweed
3 chicken eggs
Cucumber, carrot, bean curd
Cooked rice
Bamboo roll kimbap
Chili Sauce and Mayonnaise


– Cove beans and carrots boiled and cut into long strips.
– Sausage and cucumber are also cut into long strands.
– Fry an egg, then cut it into long strips
– Cooked rice
– Then spread all the prepared ingredients on the leaf seaweed, place it on the bamboo sheet and roll it tightly. When rolling, remember to roll the 2 ends of Kimbap evenly and roll the rolled rice evenly on the bamboo sheet so that when cutting, the rice roll is firm and the ingredients stick together.
– Then cut the rice roll into thin slices of rice, just eat.
– Mix chili sauce and mayonnaise into a sauce to eat with kimbap.

4. Spaghetti with minced beef sauce

Spaghetti with minced beef sauce

Spaghetti is also a dish that is prepared quite quickly and nutritiously for you and your family to take on a picnic. To make this pasta dish, you need to prepare and follow these steps:

Materials to prepare:

– Spaghetti pasta
– 400g beef
– Tomato
– Onion, garlic
– Ketchup


– Boil the pasta for about 10-15 minutes for soft noodles, then take out and soak in cold water and then mix with cooking oil or olive oil so that the noodles do not stick together.

– Marinate minced beef with 1 tablespoon of spices, fish sauce, and pepper for about 20 minutes.

– Tomatoes after washing, cut into small pieces, remove seeds and boil with onions. Season to taste and continue to boil until tomato puree forms a paste. Then add the marinated minced meat above to this mixture.

– Add a few tablespoons of ketchup to create flavor.

– Cook until the meat is cooked, then turn off the heat.

– Put the prepared sauce on the noodles and eat.

5. Mixed fried rice

Mixed fried rice

If you want to eat fuller and have a little more stomach, the fried rice dish is the right choice for you to bring to your family picnic. To prepare picnic food with this fried rice dish, you just need to prepare ingredients such as rice, carrots, corn kernels, and a little seasoning depending on your preference.

6. Mixed vegetable salad

Mixed vegetable salad

Vegetable salad is a dish that many people choose to bring along on every picnic. The use of vegetables and fruits is a healthy and healthy choice for your whole family. This is an extremely delicious picnic food, fresh and easy to prepare.

In addition, you can serve it with mayonnaise if you want more fat. If you’re going away, keep the sauce and vegetables separate, so the vegetables and butter won’t be mushy or too soft to eat. This is the next dish in The 10 Family Picnic Food Ideas.

7. Grilled meat skewers

Grilled meat skewers

If you want your family picnic to be more attractive, don’t miss the grilled dishes. You can prepare picnic foods such as grilled meat skewers by pre-marinating seasonings. Just bring the dish to the appointed place, light the coals, grill the food and enjoy it with your family.

8. Grilled chickenĀ 

Grilled chicken

In addition to the dishes introduced in The 10 Family Picnic Food Ideas, grilled chicken is also an attractive picnic food that you can prepare for your family picnic.

Materials to prepare:

– 1 chicken of about 2kg
– Turmeric, lemon, and lime leaves
– Garlic, minced chili
– Paprika
– Cucumber, pickles
– Seasonings such as fish sauce, salt, sugar, seasoning seeds, …


– Chicken after cleaning, marinate with 1 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon seasoning, half a teaspoon of pepper, 2 tablespoons of cooking oil, 2 tablespoons of fish sauce, and minced garlic and chili for half an hour.

– Turmeric is washed, pounded with purple onion, then squeezed into the broth to spread on chicken when grilled to have a beautiful color.

– When grilling chicken, you can sandwich it in the grill and turn it back continuously to avoid burning the meat.

– While baking, remember to spread turmeric juice for a more beautiful color.

– After almost cooked, sprinkle paprika on top of the chicken to create a spicy taste when eating.

– Grilled chicken will be served with lemon pepper salt, chili salt, or green chili salt. With salt and pepper, you can cut more lemon leaves to make the sauce more delicious.

9. FruitĀ 


Fruit is a picnic food that is easy to eat, quick, and can be carried for picnics with the family. For fruit, you don’t need to prepare much, just buy it, wash it and bring it with you.

When you come to the picnic, remember to bring a knife, and a little salt and pepper to dip in the fruit. The fruits that should be brought when going to the picnic include mango, guava, plum, grape, and apple. Avoid carrying strong-smelling fruits such as durian, jackfruit, or juicy, perishable berries.

10. Snack


In addition to fruit, snacks such as snack cakes and popcorn also make family picnics more fun. With these dishes, you do not need to prepare much, just buy and bring them to sip on the picnic is busy enough. This is also the last dish in The 10 Family Picnic Food Ideas.

Hopefully the article The 10 Family Picnic Food Ideas will provide useful information for you.

Thanks for reading!

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